Corduroy baseball hat with "mama" on the front

Happy Mother's Day!

Hey mama 👋🏽 Time to start the one weekend of the year that is all about YOU and appreciating those beautiful babies of yours!

Whether you are a birth mama, foster mama, rainbow mamamama to one or mama to many, mama to an angel, future mamamama to a newborn, single mama, or anything in between, this weekend is about you! You deserve to be celebrated. You deserve to be recognized.

This weekend, I'm looking forward to celebrating my very first Mother's Day (and my birthday 🥳 ) and I'm so grateful to be able to spend it with hubby (S) and my sweet baby girl (BG)!

After 6 years of marriage, living just down the road from our home towns, S and I found out we were pregnant. This was less than a month after moving to a new state, starting new jobs, and putting in a contract on a new home. (If you remember our new marriage, new city, new home journey from 2017, then you know this is just like us.) We very quickly decided that the timing was all wrong! I would have no maternity leave, we were going to have to move into our new house while I was pregnant, and we had so many things we wanted to experience in this new city before we took the dive into parenthood.

S and I have made decisions we didn't expect to make, we had to work harder than we planned, we had to pivot more than once, and he has taken on the burden and blessing of supporting us financially while I am figuring out how to support our baby and my business fully.

But the Lord has a way of working things out for his will.

As the plans for our home unfolded, we fell in love with the finishes and styles. We were able to celebrate our future baby with both our NC and SC families. We had a baby moon. I was able to keep my job (that's a story by itself). I started a new business. I celebrated my 30th birthday before my girl made her early appearance. We renewed our relationships with God. I met a new group of sweet and supportive women to take this journey with. Our relationship as a couple became stronger.

And all along, BG has been growing and thriving! She is the sweetest, funniest, and most adorable little girl I've ever met. She is a blessing and a gift. She is so precious and so loved!

And if you're a mama, I know you feel the same way about your little one!

So I hope you take time today to be thankful for the blessing that has made you a mama. Be grateful for the ups and downs that they bring. Give yourself grace for the mistakes and praise God for the successes. And remember you are never on this journey alone.

I'd love to hear how you celebrate being a mama! Comment with your journey, tips, and advice.

Photo: @@fruitandblossomphotography

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